Monolina und Tasche

  • € 1.342,86
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Artikel-Nr.: MO-34D-TA


The multi-stringed monolina
our top seller

meditative - melodic - rhythmic
much more than a monochord


Alessandro Pierini | Healing Vortex | Hypnotic arabic music set @ Star Wars Valley - Jordan



  • Wood: frame - cherry, soundboard - ash
  • 34 strings: 24 overtone strings, 5 bass strings and 5 fifth strings
  • Melody section with 5 tabs and template for minor or major sound
  • 5 different tunings: D, F, G, A, C
  • Size: 72 x 33 x 11 cm
  • Weight: 2.7 kg
  • Small, light, handy - perfect for traveling
  • Accessories: Incl. 5 tabs, major and minor template, 2 sticks for percussive santoor playing, tuner, tuning key, spare strings, linen cover and bag
  • Biologically treated with hard wax oil
  • Made in Germany
  • Matching mallets and stands are available separately



Hilfestellungen & Inspirationen

Please use good speakers or headphones when listening to the videos! The normal, simple speakers in laptops and cell phones are not designed for the low and natural frequencies.


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Monolina D - deepest monolina with rich bass and vibration: 24 overtone strings in D, 5 bass strings in D and 5 fifth strings in A


Monolina F - second deepest monolina for vibration and fullness: 24 overtone strings in f, 5 bass strings in F and 5 fifth strings in c


Monolina G - crystal clear and universal: 24 overtone strings in g, 5 bass strings in G and 5 fifth strings in d


Monolina A - rich in overtones with a minor character: 24 overtone strings in a, 5 bass strings in A and 5 fifth strings in e


Monolina C - rich in overtones with a major character: 24 overtone strings in c`, 5 bass strings in c and 5 fifth strings in g



Playing style and possible applications

Blog topics: Playing style, curvature, rider, playing together, application, rhythm


Courses and training from feeltone


feeltone Seminare & Ausbildung



  • Learn the basic tools to play our instruments with ease and a variety of timbres and to express yourself intuitively.
  • Learn to incorporate the elements of nature, create certain moods, stimulate the flow of energy and the emotional body and hold a meditative space for clients and listeners.
  • All these techniques can be used in sound massage and group meditation, for sound and voice work or to support a wide range of applications from acupuncture to music therapy.



Angaben zur Produktsicherheit:

Produkt: Monolina Monochord mit Tasche
Hersteller: feeltone - Ingo Böhme, Am Sonnenacker 2, 17440 Lassan
Veröffentlichung: vor Dezember 2024

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