Pythagoras Monochord

Pythagoras Monochord MO-30P

  • € 1.033,95
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Artikel-Nr.: MO-30P

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The measuring monochord - tones are audible mathematics



  • Wood: frame - cherry, soundboard - ash
  • Strings: 25 overtone strings in C and 5 bass strings in C
  • Size: 134 x 30 x 10 cm
  • Accessories: Incl. tuner, tuning key, spare strings
  • Biologically treated with hard wax oil
  • Made in Germany
  • Matching bags, mallets and feet available separately



Angaben zur Produktsicherheit:

Produkt: Monochord
Hersteller: feeltone - Ingo Böhme, Am Sonnenacker 2, 17440 Lassan
Veröffentlichung: vor Dezember 2024

Die Saiten können reissen, vor allem, wenn sie über-spannt werden, dabei kann man sich an den losen Enden der Saiten verletzen. Bei den Saiten ohne Ball-End sondern mit Schlaufe kann bei der Umwicklung Metall abstehen und man kann sich stechen. Beim Unterstellen der Reiter unter die Saiten kann man sich die Finger klemmen. Die Messingstifte im Reiter sind scharf und spitz, Verletzungsgefahr.



Assistance & inspiration

Please use good speakers or headphones when listening to the videos! The normal, simple speakers in laptops and cell phones are not designed for the low and natural frequencies.


feeltone - Media area

feeltone on YouTube




more info ...

Plain and simple monochord - as a measuring instrument and for chanting, for vocal accompaniment, as a sound carpet.

The Pythagoras measuring monochord is played in its horizontal position, easily accessible on the table over its entire surface. It gives you the opportunity to create and study specific overtones. This monochord has been known for this since the discovery of the natural overtone scale by Pythagoras and is used as a measuring instrument in mathematics, quantum physics, architecture, musicology and much more.

Thefine, full sound of the Pythagoras monochord carries for a long time. The recurring waves of the monochord create a carpet of sound that is ideal for meditation and singing. After a few minutes, the 30 strings can create a powerful tapestry of sound with a sea of overtones.

The Pythagoras monochord is strung on one side with 25 overtone strings and 5 bass strings.


As a rhythm instrument:

With mallets, chopsticks, felt or santoori mallets, it is great fun to strike the strings rhythmically.


The finest feeltone craftsmanship made from high-quality materials, lovinglycrafted from the plank to the strings in the north-east of Germany on the beautiful Baltic Sea and shipped all over the world.

Feet can be ordered separately on request: Item no.: MO-D

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