
Come Together Set Mini - Ignis

  • € 657,14
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Artikel-Nr.: CT-SET1-IG432

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The Come Together Set Mini  - Ignis Tuning is a complete set from the Elemental Soundscape family.

  • Ignis tuning (440 and 432 Hz)
  • Consisting of: Tinka Tong Ignis, Zenko Ignis, Sansula Renaissance Ignis, Koshi Ignis
    and a Monolini bag
  • Colour of the profile: Red
  • Accessories included: one pair of mallets each for Zenko and Tinka Tong

Information on product safety:

Tinka Tong, Zenko, Koshi, Sansula
feeltone - Ingo Böhme, Am Sonnenacker 2, 17440 Lassan
Publication: before December 2024

Hazard warning:

Tinka Tong & Zenko: Fingers can get jammed if they are inserted into the slots or openings of the drum. By sitting on the reeds of the drums or by hitting or wedging objects too hard in the openings between the reeds, reeds can break or splinter and splinters can be drawn in or cut at these points. Splinters on the instrument must be removed immediately. The mallets can be mistaken for lollipops and should not be put in the mouth by children. Avoid inserting objects into the opening on the underside, as this can lead to jamming.

Koshi: Avoid inserting objects or fingers into the opening as this can lead to jamming. Do not remove the cord with the built-in beater head and the wind catcher, the beater head can be mistaken for a lollipop, do not put it in your mouth.

Sansula: You can pinch your fingers if the tongues slip. Never loosen the screws, the tongues can get lost.

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