Sansula Renaissance Terra

Sansula Renaissance - Terra

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Artikel-Nr.: KAL-REN-TE

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The cosy sounding Sansula Renaissance Terra

From our Elemental Soundscapes Collection

The Sansula from Hokema with its enchanting effect has been conquering the world for 22 years. With its two-manual tongue arrangement in simple pentatonic (9 notes), the Sansula Terra offers a wide range of musical possibilities and fits perfectly with the other instruments in the Elemental Soundscapes Terra series. 

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Sansula Terra at a glance:

  • 9 tones in TERRA tuning
  • Tone sequence: L -> R:  C E G A B, A C F E
  • Material:
    • Beech frame
    • Skin made of sturdy Renaissance drumhead from REMO©
    • Kalimba made of cherry wood
    • Coplour profile: green
  • Dimensions: 20 x 15,5 x 6 cm
  • Also suitable for children's hands
  • Biologically treated with hard wax oil
  • Made in Germany


Construction and material of the Sansula Terra

The Elemental Soundscapes Sansula Terra is a finely tuned Kalimba with a unique combination of high-quality materials. The kalimba tongues are attached to a cherry wood block and surrounded by an oval beech wood frame. The membrane consists of a Remo drumhead, which provides a special sound and also makes this Sansula indestructible. 

The Sansula Terra is 100% made in Germany and not only impresses with its sound characteristics, but also with its haptically appealing oval body shape.


How to play Sansula Terra

The Sansula Terra is plucked with the thumbs and can be held in both hands or places on the table and played with all fingers. For more Volume, it can be placed on the lap or on a soft surface.

A special feature is the wah-wah vibrator effect, which is created when the instrument is raised .

By sliding the fingers over both manuals, two notes can be played in direct succession, opening up fascinating effects and creative possibilities.


Elemental Soundscapes – more than just a set of sound instruments

Our Elemental Soundscapes are not just sets of sound instruments, but a unique concept in co-operation with several European instrument makers and our US partner „We play well together“. Togehther with them, we at feeltone have set ourselves a goal: to bring together intuitively playable instruments in such a way that they sound good together even without a lot of trial and error or knowledge of sheet music.

Each instrument set is coordinated with one another and goes particularly well with a specific feeltone monochord. “Terra” matches to our monochords in the tuning C and F.

Information on product safety:

Hokema Kalimbas-Silberweg 3-29664 Walsrode
before December 2024

Hazard warning:
You can pinch your fingers if the tongues slip. Never loosen the screws, the tongues can get lost.

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