Zenko Terra

Zenko - Terra

  • € 209,24
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Artikel-Nr.: ZEN-TE

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Our Zenko® Terra - The spherical metal tongue drum

From our Elemental Soundscapes Collection

The Zenko® Terra is a metal tongue drum that impresses with its excellent sound and high-quality workmanship. It is made of stainless steel and is anodised for extra protection. The Zenko® Terra harmonised perfectly with every other Intrument in the “Terra” series and the other Zenko® Elementals. And the great thing about metal tongue drums - they are and remain tuning stable.

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Zenko® Terra at a glance:

  • 8 tones in TERRA tuning
  • Tone sequence: E - F - G - C - E - F - G - C
  • Material: stainless steel
  • Diameter: 20 cm (in total 22 cm)
  • Notes: 8 tones
  • Colour of the profile: green
  • Net weight: approx. 1.2 kg
  • Accessories included: One pair of Mallets and bag


The Zenko® Terra - the little UFO...

...from Metal Sounds, wich enables smooth one-handed playing. It is 100% made in the EU (France) and impresses with its high Quality and stability. It is an inexpensive entry-level model for hand pan fans and is suitable for beginners as well as experienced musicians and friends of sound. Thanks to his handiness,the Zenko® Terra can really be used anywhere - in yoga sessions, in kindergarten or for sound massages.


How to play the Zenko® Ignis

With its 8 notes, the Zenko® Terra produces a spherical sound. The resonance is rather short, wich is perfect for percussive playing. The Zenko Terra is played either by hand, with the fingers or with mallets. Make sure you only use the short and rather hard mallets supplied to achieve the best sound.


Elemental Soundscapes – more than just a set of sound instruments

Our Elemental Soundscapes are not just sets of sound instruments, but a unique concept in co-operation with serveral European instrument makers and our US partner „We play well together“. Together with them, we at feeltone have set ourselves a goal: to bring together intuitively playable instruments in such a way that they sound good together even without a lot of trial and error or knowledge of sheet music.

Each instrument set is coordinated with one another and goes particularly well with a specific feeltone monochord. “Terra” matches our monochords in tuning C and F.

Information on product safety:

Metal Sounds-350 chemin du perussier-84170 Monteux
before December 2024

Hazard warning
: Fingers can get jammed if they are inserted into the slots or openings of the drums. It is generally to be avoided that objects or fingers are inserted into the opening, as this can lead to jamming. The mallets can be mistaken for lollipops and should not be put in the mouth.

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