
  • € 2.725,21
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Artikel-Nr.: KS-OM-RO

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The elegance of the Singing Chair - with extra deep fifth strings


  • Omchair tuning:
    • 18 overtone strings in the middle in C#
    • To both sides 8 bass strings in C#
    • Followed by a high G# and a low G# fifth string each and
    • Finally one more bass string in C# on both sides
  • Material: birch
  • Easy assembly, small transport volume
  • Overall dimensions: 72 x 66 x 126 cm when assembled (133 x 63 x 20 cm when packed)
  • Weight: 25 kg
  • Weight limit: up to 150 kg
  • Accessories: Incl. tuning key, tuner, replacement strings and hygrometer
  • Matching Table and wheels for Omchair can be ordered separately
  • courses and training worldwide

Special Features:

  • 6 upholstery colors individually selectable:
    • Microfiber cover in red (standard color) and beige/brown
    • Imitation leather (washable, disinfectable) in white, black, blue and green
  • Ergonomically shaped seat and backrest
  • Height adjustable neck support
  • Easy and intuitive to play
  • No overstimulation by rocking or swaying
  • Biologically treated with hard wax oil
  • Made in Germany
more info ...

Omchair would like to invite you to enjoy and relax with its sound and to impress with its shapely design and with clarity. Due to the possibility to use it with little space and time, it offers versatile fields of usage:

  • Sound treatment: in clinics, ergo-, logo- and physiotherapy
  • In the office: to promote concentration before important meetings, for team building, for relaxing and vitalizing breaks
  • At home: living, working and music rooms - play with joy at each other
  • In hotels: a pleasant change in the wellness area
  • Very grounding and opening

Omchair is tuned in C#/G#, the string order is similar to the Monolina, 18 blanc C# strings in the middle, 8 wound bass strings in C# to the right and left of them, then a high and a low fifth string in G# and the last note on both sides is another bass string in C#. This tuning convinces with the fifth in high and low octave, which is very grounding and opening at the same time.

Omchair invites with its sound to enjoy and relax. A pleasantly vibrating sound carpet entices you to stop time and "listen up". Only 5 minutes are enough for calmness to return, thoughts to flow out, breathing and heart rate to regulate. Relaxation happens on all levels in a light, almost playful way. Sounds gently touch and vibrations massage, vitalize and promote a presence that we so often long for.

If Omchair is played for a longer time, the sound easily leads to meditative states for both player and played. The body becomes a resonance chamber and is perceived more consciously.

Omchair becomes interesting in therapeutic and pedagogical use. The advantages of the monochrome sounds with their opening, consciousness-raising and integrating principle not only support their work, but also stimulate the self-healing powers.


Finest feeltone craftsmanship made of high quality materials, lovingly manufactured from the plank to the stringing in the northeast of Germany by the beautiful Baltic Sea and shipped all over the world.


courses and training by feeltone launch


courses and training by feeltone

  • Learn a basic tool to play our instruments with ease and a variety of timbres and to express yourself intuitively.
  • Learn to incorporate the elements of nature, create specific moods, stimulate the flow of energy and the emotional body, and hold a meditative space for clients and listeners.
  • All of these techniques can be used in a sound massage and group meditation, for sound and voice work or to support a variety of applications from acupuncture to music therapy


feeltone on YouTubelaunch

Please use good loudspeakers or headphones when listening to the videos! The regular, simple speakers in laptops and cell phones are not designed for the low and natural frequencies.

Information on product safety:

feeltone - Ingo Böhme, Am Sonnenacker 2, 17440 Lassan
Publication: before December 2024

Hazard warning
: The strings can break if they are over-tensioned, which means there is a risk of injury from the loose ends.

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