Soundwave out of Padouk, extra wide

  • € 5.363,87
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exkl. MwSt
Artikel-Nr.: KLW-P70

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Ergonomically softly bedded - Monochord dream sound - gentle primal rhythm

- sooo comfortable
- harmonics as if wrapped in a cocoon
- for integration and vigilant new beginnings





Information on product safety:

feeltone - Ingo Böhme, Am Sonnenacker 2, 17440 Lassan
Publication: before December 2024

Hazard warning: The strings can break, especially if they are overstretched, and you can injure yourself on the loose ends of the strings. When getting off the table, offer the client help, the circulation can be unstable after longer treatments. Be careful, the client can get caught on the strings when getting off, so it is better to get off on the drum side. You can pinch your fingers if you put them in the slots or openings of the drum. Striking too hard or wedging objects in the openings between the reeds can cause the reeds to break or splinter, and you can catch splinters or cut yourself at these points. Splinters must be removed immediately.

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