Tenor-Tongue Drum out of padouk, 8 tones, pentatonic

  • € 1.397,48
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Artikel-Nr.: T-8TP-100

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The little one - for children

Feel the gentle deep sound in the whole body (lying down), interactively (two children sitting at the ends) or just drumming. Feeltone here is tangible and very invigorating. 8 full-sounding tones made from the best air-dried padouk.


  • Tuned in D minor pentatonic
  • Tone sequence: D - E - G - A - B - D - E - G
  • Wood: lid - padouk, body - pine
  • Dimensions: 100 x 30 x 35 cm
  • Accessories: incl. 2 mallets, hygrometer
  • Ideal size for children, 100cm long
  • NEW - disinfectable
  • Biologically treated with hard wax oil
  • Made in Germany


More info ...


The 8 tone Tenor-Couch-Tongue Drum from feeltone is the first instrument with the "feeltone - idea" on the market. To feel the sound while playing is so simply and uniquely realized here. The drum has feet on the bottom and on one side, so the instrument can also be tilted on its side and used as a lying version. There are 2 ways to experience the principle "feel the sound":

  1. Playing surface on top. Two children sit at each end of the drum, where there are no tongues, and play the tongues that are now in front of them with the mallets. Slowly the exploration begins - the vibration is felt in the body with amazement and quickly the shyness dissolves. A joyful interactive drumming starts, at first not necessarily musical - the players want to get to know each other - but later joyful, cheeky, funny, refreshing. Creativity is awakened and rhythm as communication connects and enlivens.
  2. Playing surface on the side. The Tenor-Tongue Drum is tilted on its side. The lid is on the side, and there is a blank pine side on top. This is padded with a blanket and a child is placed on it, when the lower legs at the end of the drum hang down, they can also be placed on top of the drum. A player (companion or educator - or an experienced, attentive child) sits next to the drum and gently strikes the individual sound tongues one after the other with a mallet. First you need to pay attention how the person is feeling, when the OK comes - then the slow, gentle drumming can begin. If you keep an eye on the breathing of the person lying down, you will recognize what is going on with the person and when to stop.

The Tongue Drum can of course also be played as a pure percussion melody instrument standing on its feet or placed vertically to save space. It also can be used as a bench. Be careful - do not sit on the tongues.


In kindergartens, clinics, institutions for people with handicaps, these drums are used because of their "feel the sound" abilities very much for mindfulness exercises and to experience the own body as pleasantly perfused. Particularly with hyperactive children wonderful successes can be recorded. The attention goes from "being out of oneself" back inwards, the body is perceived again, the system calms down and the child can be integrated again.


The 8 notes tuned in D minor pentatonic are arranged in a sequence so that the left hand starts at the lowest note on the lower left, then the next note of the scale is played on the right row above with the right hand, in this way it continues left - right - left and down again to the highest note. Arranged in this way, rhythmic playing can follow a clear sequence or experiment intuitively with timbres. Playing patterns that please are repeated, from time to time a tone breaks out and new sound fantasies are explored. Beginning as a drum with rhythmic patterns that are staggered in time, melodies slowly build up. The Tenor-Tongue Drum can be played with mallets as well as with the fingers and hands.

How to play

With the mallets, the notes can easily be struck rhythmically and clearly in succession. That is to say, one lets the rubber ball of the mallet bounce onto the tongue,holding the shaft as if to stay on the tongue, the soft rubber ball will bounce back. If you now let the bouncing rubber ball glide over several tongues, fascinating sound patterns are created, which can be combined with the simple striking of the tongues.

material and production ...

NEW - disinfection

surface - antibacterial and disinfectable

Since our main customers for these instruments are clinics, institutions and daycare centers, we are now offering hard oil surface treatment for the best protection and safe cleaning. This natural oil is just as easily biodegradable as our previous hard oils. Feel free to ask for an European certificate.

  • Quick drying natural oil
  • Low in solvents, therefore less odor
  • Antimicrobial effect according to ISO 22196: 2007
  • Certificate on request

Sound differences between ash and padouk

Padouk is an excellent tonewood and has very good vibrating qualities. This becomes noticeable with the Tongue Drum having a longer resonance. As a native alternative we use ash. This particularly long-fibred wood is very close to padouk in terms of quality.


The Tongue Drum has a sturdy interior made out of air-dried wood and is cleanly tuned. The Tenor-Tongue Drum is identical in construction to the much larger Bass-Tongue Drum. We use padouk because it has particularly good sound qualities as tone wood. The selected padouk from Nigeria comes exclusively from controlled and certified cutting, which is much more expensive than padouk from an unknown origin. We as a
company are not certified (very bureaucratic and costly, our consumption is too low), but we can always provide the certificate of our wood supplier as proof of our certified padouk. It is already an ethical "must" for us to use only such woods. We store the wood in the open air for 2-4 years to achieve the best drying results. Industrially dried padouk is very susceptible to cracking.We make every effort to use this precious wood  provided by the trees as completely as possible. So first the planks are cut for the Bass, then the Tenor, followed by the Soprano and finally the Baba and Tinka Tongs.


Finest feeltone craftsmanship made out of high quality materials, lovingly manufactured from the plank to the tuning in the northeast of Germany by the beautiful Baltic Sea and shipped all over the world.


feeltone on YouTubelaunch

Please use good speakers or headphones when listening to the videos! The regular, simple speakers in laptops and mobile phones are not designed for the low and natural frequencies.

Information on product safety:

Tenor tongue drum
feeltone - Ingo Böhme, Am Sonnenacker 2, 17440 Lassan
Publication: before December 2024

Hazard warning:
You can get your fingers caught if you put your fingers in the slots or openings of the drum. Sitting on the reeds of the drums or hitting them too hard or wedging objects in the openings between the reeds can cause the reeds to break or splinter and splinters can be drawn in or cut at these points. Splinters on the instrument must be removed immediately. Do not hit people or animals with the mallets.

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