Zaphir Sunray - Summer, with Rattan Stand

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Artikel-Nr.: ZAP-SUN-SET

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Summer mood - warm - sunny

An enchanting little wind chime with 8 finely pentatonically tuned metal bars in a resonating cylinder made out of resinous cardboard, placed in a rattan stand.



  • Tuning Sunray - Summer: G#, B, C#, E, G#, E, A, C#
  • Material: resinous cardboard
  • Marbled colour: random, cannot be chosen
  • Body length: 12,5 cm
  • Material stand: bow made out of rattan, base made out of beech
  • Stand size: approx. 42 x 36 x 18 cm (height, width, depth)
  • Hanging height: up to approx. 38 cm
  • Biologically treated with hard oil
  • Cannot be hung outdoors


For active play:

Hold the wind chime by the top string and gently move it back and forth: the crystal clear, relaxing sound is enchanting. A breeze also makes it sound, but without becoming intrusive.

The stand is made out of polished and bent rattan with 3 pins. The one on the top is for hanging the Zaphir, the two outer ones for hanging a small gong.

The colour cannot be chosen - get surprised (see picture gallery).


There are five tunings with a wide variety of colour schemes:

  • Bluemoon - Winter: D, F, A, B, C, E, A#, C
  • Crystalide- Spring: G, A, B, D, A, G, B, D
  • Sunray - Summer: G#, B, C#, E, G#, E, A, C#
  • Twilight - Autumn: E, G, B, C, E, G, B, C
  • Sufi: F, A, D, F, A, G, A, D
  • Information on product safety:

    Zaphir with stand
    feeltone - Ingo Böhme, Am Sonnenacker 2, 17440 Lassan
    before December 2024

    Hazard warning
    : Avoid inserting objects or fingers into the opening as this can lead to jamming. Do not remove the cord with the built-in beater head and the wind catcher, the beater head can be mistaken for a lollipop, do not put it in your mouth.

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