Small to medium singing bowls to 1 kg

  • € 111,76
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Artikel-Nr.: TK-800

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light weight - set up, listen and feel

  • Weight: 200-1000 g
  • Material: 7 metals
  • Incl. mallet and felt ring
  • Advantages: thin-walled for deepest possible sound
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Individually selected by our Nepalese partners and individually packed for transport, these Singing Bowls are subject to the strictest quality control in sound, shape and durability. Thus we guarantee also here a special product. A deep tone is made possible by well-matched overtones, an easy response when rubbed and an extra thin-walled design.

They are always struck at the upper edge of the bowl. The bowl is rubbed on the outside, clockwise, standing on the bare hand. Speed and pressure are decisive for the appearance of the sound. Start slowly, with the thin end of the mallet fully enclosed in your fist and with sufficient pressure. If the sound buzzes, reduce speed. A bowl should always have at least three notes that can be differentiated from each other (from 500 g):

  • 1. struck only with the wood of the mallet, high tone (TKK-1/2/3)
  • 2. rubbed with a leather-wrapped mallet or the bare wood, medium pitch (TKKL-1/2/3)
  • 3. struck with a thick felt mallet, low pitch (BK-1a)

The bowls can be placed on the whole body. It is also possible to press them on certain parts of the body where they do not stand by themselves. In this case the bottom of the bowl is pressed gently against the part of the body with one finger (in case of larger bowls with the whole hand), because the bottom of the bowl itself does not vibrate. Singing Bowls can be played percussively by turning them over so that the bottom is on top. Now you can play the bowls like gongs or drums with felt mallets when they are placed on a soft surface.

For all Singing Bowls we offer you the matching mallets and felt rings from our own production.

Information on product safety:

Singing bowl with felt ring & mallet
feeltone - Ingo Böhme, Am Sonnenacker 2, 17440 Lassan
Publication: before December 2024

Hazard warning: Do not eat or drink from the bowls. There may be sharp-edged areas on the rim or base where you could cut or injure yourself.

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