Skype/Zoom introduction in English or German

  • € 35,29
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exkl. MwSt
Artikel-Nr.: MO-TR-SKY

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Individual and personal online introduction

Our many years of experience have shown that our Monochord and Sound Furniture customers are very happy to receive an introduction after purchase. That is why we now offer a 30-minute Zoom or Skype introduction, included with the Traveller Set. You can also book it separately.

The introduction is used to teach the customer how to use the instrument for the first time, but also to answer specific questions from the more experienced customer.

  • 30 minutes Zoom/Skype introduction about the most important information for playing the Monochord, or we answer your questions.
  • After purchasing the online training you will receive your personal online training code by mail within two days.
  • Afterwards you can choose a suitable date in our calendar here.

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