Outdoor Tubular Gongs

  • € 4.781,51
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exkl. MwSt
Artikel-Nr.: OD-KL-STE

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Listen to nature - feel the vibration

This 4 m tall sound stele holds two brass Tubular Gongs which are attached to the frame with a special cable in such a way that the sound of the Tubular Gongs is transmitted to the frame so you can feel the vibration.

The Tubular Gongs are struck with a special mallet and continue to sound for up to 15 minutes.

The stele is anchored in the ground so it stands very secure.

An eye-catcher for garden, parkground, clinic or foyer.

  • Tubular gongs with long resonance
  • Noticeable vibration in the frame
  • 2 Tubular Gongs in D and A
  • Total dimensions: 400 x 30 x 30 cm
  • Wood: oak
  • Tubular Gongs: brass
  • Incl. mallets

feeltone on YouTubelaunch

Please use good speakers or headphones when listening to the videos! The regular, simple speakers in laptops and cell phones are not designed for the low and natural frequencies.

Information on product safety:

tubular gong
Klangfarben-Rinding 1-85560 Ebersberg
Publication: before December 2024

Hazard warning
: If the tubes are struck too hard, they can deflect forwards and backwards and come into contact with the body. Strike gently and carefully at the very bottom or very top of the tube.

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