small Powwow tall, Ø 65 cm

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Artikel-Nr.: POW-65

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For the small gathering drum - tall ring

Traditional building method - regional cowhide

Come together. Drum for mother earth. Evenly like the heartbeat. Walk in unison and synchronicity - giving back thanks. Your drum is your vehicle for contact with the world of "not knowing", the time before and after life, that which is greater than us. Cattle represent the strength of the buffalo, bison or the European species of the bison. The skin is particularly thick and robust.


  • Gathering drum strung on both sides
  • Skin and string: cow, split and scar (from small farms, partly organic)
  • Wood: wound beech
  • Dimensions: Ø 65 cm
  • Frame height: 31 cm
  • Playing height: 80 cm
  • Weight: 9 kg incl. stand
  • Accessories: Incl. 4 mallets (KF-3), four-legged stand, dismountable
  • Biologically treated with hard wax oil
  • Made in Germany


How to play

When drumming for a long time a trance-like state is reached, which is used for connecting to other states of consciousness and for communication in circles and groups. The mallet is traditionally built by the player himself. Ritual drumming is not about drumming in a particularly virtuosic way, as it is the case with frame drumming, but rather about synchronous, monotonous drumming. Universities have studied the effect of monotone rhythms and discovered a change in brain waves and states of consciousness. When we drum to the rhythm of our heartbeat or walking, we can do it without much effort for quite a long time. At North American Powwow festivals and rodeos, the drum is played continuously for the entire time (a week or more), day and night. Thus, the energy and intention of the festival lasts the entire event.

more info ...

history, materials, how to play, rituals and full moon drumminglaunch


feeltone on YouTubelaunch

Please use good speakers or headphones when listening to the videos! The regular, simple speakers in laptops and mobile phones are not designed for the low and natural frequencies.


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