Tinka Tong 6 Tones, D Minor Pentatonic

  • € 204,20
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Artikel-Nr.: TI-TO-6

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The small, handy Tongue Drum - play the cheerfulness of the forest

Imaginative shapes invite the frame and finger drummer to melodious drumming. A joy for little ones to explore melody and rhythm, two-handed as well as one-handed.



  • 6 tones in D minor
  • Tone sequence: D - F - G - A - C - E
  • Wood: lid - padouk, body - cherry
  • Dimensions: 30 x 12 x 9 cm
  • Accessories: 2 mallets
  • Practical finger hole in the bottom
  • Biologically treated with hard wax oil
  • Made in Germany




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The feeltone Tinka Tong Alto is the smallest wooden Tongue Drum on the market. However, the fine work that goes into it is not much less than that of a drum three times its size or a metal Tongue Drum. The tuning has to be just as precisely and the shape and surface wants to be a pleasure to hold. The materials are made out of the same high quality woods as their big siblings. We strive to use these precious woods, which the trees provide us with, as completely as possible.

How to play

The pentatonically tuned 6 notes are intuitively arranged so that a kind of random pattern/random melody is created during rhythmic playing. Playing patterns that please are repeated, from time to time a note breaks out and new sound fantasies are explored.

With mallets one can simply strike or dribble rhythmically and clearly one tongue after the other. That is to say, one lets the rubber ball of the mallet bounce onto the tongue, holding the shaft as if to stay on the tongue, the soft rubber ball will bounce back. If you now let the bouncing rubber ball glide over several tongues, fascinating sound patterns are created, which can be combined with the simple striking of the tongues. The drum can also be held in the finger hole and played one-handed with fingers or a mallets.

The small Tongue Drums speak the language of the forest and the trees. They convince by their cheerfulness, handiness and clarity. With the Tinka Tongs we have given the Tongue Drum a new joy of playing, lightness and mobility. Almost all playing, melody and rhythm techniques can be played with the Tinka Tongs. With the Tinka Tongs I, Ingo Böhme, have fulfilled my wish for Tongue Drums that sound softly and gently with instruments such as kalimba, spacedrum or flutes at eye level and are rather struck with the fingers.


Finest feeltone craftsmanship made of high quality materials, lovingly manufactured from plank to tuning in the northeast of Germany by the beautiful Baltic Sea and shipped all over the world.



feeltone on YouTubelaunch

Please use good speakers or headphones when listening to the videos! The regular, simple speakers in laptops and mobile phones are not designed for the low and natural frequencies.

Information on product safety:

Tinka Tong
feeltone - Ingo Böhme, Am Sonnenacker 2, 17440 Lassan
Publication: before December 2024

Hazard warning:
Fingers can get jammed if they are inserted into the slots or openings of the drum. By sitting on the reeds of the drums or by hitting or wedging objects too hard in the openings between the reeds, reeds can break or splinter and splinters can be drawn in or cut at these points. Splinters on the instrument must be removed immediately. The mallets can be mistaken for lollipops and should not be put in the mouth by children. Avoid inserting objects into the opening on the underside, as this can lead to jamming.

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