Kits for Ritual Drums

Kits for Ritual Drums

  • € 163,87
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Artikel-Nr.: TR-SH-30

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Build it yourself - for ritual - in nature - for you personally

Complete kit for your Ritual Drum, including all necessary materials and building instructions. Connect with friends and the worldwide community drumming on the full moon.


  • Frame: (sawed and unoiled) 30-55cm or oval
  • Drum skin, skin string: cow or horse
  • Leather strips for drum handle
  • Mallet: head made out of leather and filling wool (the stick for the handle has to be found in the forest by yourself)
  • Building instruction
more info ...

The ritual drums are made exclusively out of wood and skin. On the back, a skin string is pulled through the double holes of the skin and thus brought to tension and knotted. The handle is created by dividing the
strings from the centre into four segments and wrapping them with leather.

history, materials, how to play, rituals and full moon drumminglaunch


feeltone on YouTubelaunch

Please use good speakers or headphones when listening to the videos! The regular, simple speakers in laptops and mobile phones are not designed for the low and natural frequencies.

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