Set of 3 foam mats for Monolini

  • € 13,03
    Unit price per 

exkl. MwSt
Artikel-Nr.: MO-MAT-21

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As a protective layer between stand, instrument and strings

With this extra padding, you can safely store your Monochord along with accessories in the Monolini bag.

These three foam mats are cut to fit the Monolini bag. There are three different sizes:

  1. For protection between stand (RS-28M and RS-28EX) and Monochord
  2. For sliding under the strings - with a cut-out for the single bridges
  3. On top of the strings and between the pegs, to protect them



Information on product safety:

Product: Mats
Manufacturer: feeltone - Ingo Böhme, Am Sonnenacker 2, 17440 Lassan
Publication: befor December 2024


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