As a feeltone B2B partner, shopping is uncomplicated!
Monochord bag - 30 to 60 strings
Tasche für Monolina MO-34 - Deluxe
Monochord Bag for MO-34
Monochord Bag for MO-21
Ritual drum bag*
Tasche für Sansula
Tasche für Sansula Melody
Tenor-Tongue Drum out of ash, 8 tones, pentatonic
Tenor-Tongue Drum out of padouk, 8 tones, pentatonic
Tinka Tong - Aqua
Tinka Tong - Aria
Tinka Tong - Ignis
Tinka Tong - Terra
Tinka Tong 10 Tones, A Minor Pentatonic
Tinka Tong 6 Tones, D Minor Pentatonic
Tinka Tong Alto D, zweite Wahl
Tinka Tong Bass A, zweite Wahl
Table for monchair
Drum skin uncut according to sqm
Trommelhaut vom Hirsch
Skin for drums horse skin
Skin for drums cow
Trommelhaut vom Wildschwein
Drum frame
Twin Kalimba, 2 x 9 Zungen
wound bass string for MO-54T, MO-60O, monchair & KLST
wound bass string for MO-21A, MO-34A
wound bass string for MO-21C, MO-34C
wound bass string for MO-21D, MO-34D
wound bass string for MO-21F, MO-34F
wound bass string for MO-21G, MO-34G
umsponnene Bass-Saite für MO-28C-XL